EQUIMO features for you

Take full advantage of the modern approach to monitoring the health of the horses entrusted to you.

Feature categories

Motion analysis

Pace and Tempo

It is all about the regular movement.

Regular pace is an essential element of your ride whether you’re a jumper, dressage, endurance, or eventing rider.

Your Pace Tells you More

EQUIMO shows you your average workout pace as well as the whole tempo curve on a tempo chart. This feature makes it easy for you to track and control the regularity and values of your pace.

Motion analysis

Measuring and Understanding Pace in EQUIMO

EQUIMO offers you to measure average pace, current pace, and also display pace in relation to other variables such as speed, heart rate, or altitude.

Balance and Symmetry

Balance and Symmetry

Muscles must be strengthened evenly. It is important not to overwork one side of your horse’s body and unintentionally neglect the other.



Someone goes for a hack in the field, someone has a trot training session, someone practices canter sequences, and someone just goes for a walk.



In showjumping, mastering the jump is what matters. EQUIMO will help you learn the right technique.



The biggest problem appears when training becomes routine. Riding 5 horses a day 365 days a year is challenging.

GPS and Map

GPS and Map

Not every training session takes place in an arena and it's always good to keep an eye on training routes and speed.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics

The ability to put things in context is the only way to really assess your horse's performance.

Heart Rate

Heart Rate

Your horse's heart rate in training is the best indicator of your horse's fitness.

Regular pace is an essential element of your ride whether you’re a jumper, dressage, endurance, or eventing rider.

<b>Heart</b> Rate

We Assess Training as a Whole

Your horse's heart responds to a number of factors: movement, activity, bustle in the environment, and you as a rider. However, it is important to know its abilities and limits. Knowing your horse’s limits helps you react in time before exceeding them.

Understanding Heart Rate in EQUIMO

Your horse's heart rate should match the training workload, so it's easy to see which sessions were just a light ride, and which were a demanding physical activity.

Live Heart Rate

Live Heart Rate

Have everything important available during training sessions in the easiest way—on your wrist. View information like heart rate, speed, or distance at any moment of your ride.

Heart Rate Zones

Heart Rate Zones

Heart Rate Zones help in understanding the intensity of your training by categorizing heart rate levels, ensuring that you train effectively without over-exertion.

Heart Rate Trends

Heart Rate Trends

The trends track your horse's progress, and the data is unquestionable. Make sure you are heading in the right direction by using the Trends section to the fullest.



It is all about the team. You are not alone.

Equestrian sport is a team sport, and it is important to surround yourself with people you can trust.


Everyone Can See

Only what you want them to see. Build a team around each horse. Add a trainer, rider, vet, and a groom or farrier. Then assign roles. Can they ride or just watch the data? Every time an activity starts with a horse, everyone included will get a notification and later be able to view the data from anywhere in the world.

Understanding Teams in EQUIMO

Team communication is essential, but we value your privacy as well. We protect your data, and you only share a horse with the people you want to share it with. Sharing is also not intermingled, you can have your own team and be a member of several other teams.



To share a horse means you want more people to take a good care of them.



To measure success, it is necessary to have a plan that is followed and evaluated.

Shared Calendar

Shared Calendar

If you want to make sure nothing is forgotten, put it somewhere where everyone can see it, yes a shared calendar.



It sometimes takes little to encourage and praising someone for a job well done is fostering team spirit.



We can't keep everything in our heads and think about every single thing all the time. If something is happening in your team right now, or something is being planned, you will know about it.

Other features


You know, when you're hungry it's not you. And it's the same with horses, they just don't tell you so directly.

Important dates

Important dates

Sure, a dusty chalkboard in the stable or a diary at the bottom of a drawer works too. But having everything handy whenever you need it is priceless.



Sometimes when evaluating progress and training, it is necessary to look at things more from the roof and look at the horse's activity more generally.

Live tracking

Live tracking

No more waiting nervously for the rider to return from the field and tell you what it was really like. You can have everything right away without waiting.

Ghost racing

Ghost racing

Achieving personal goals is always the biggest win for us, a little big personal victory.


Explore and Shop now


EQUIMO Tracker

  • Measure tempo, jumps, pace, speed, elevation and more data
  • Up to 40 hours of measurement on a single charge
  • Portable, small and light (69 grams)
  • Compatible with Heart Rate Set and Smart Girth

Buy €399

Heart Rate

Heart Rate

  • Real time heart rate monitor
  • Ultrasensitive electrodes, recording in ECG quality
  • Can be used for several hours without harming the horse
  • Easy to use, one size fits all, thin, soft and comfortable
  • Accessories require Equimo Tracker

Buy €299

Heart Rate Set

Heart Rate Set

  • Tracker + Heart Rate monitor
  • Measure tempo, jumps, pace, speed, elevation and more data
  • Real time heart rate monitor
  • Compatible with Smart Girth

Buy €599